Hi Peter,

very interesting read. These days ReactJS seems to be the V library with
most traction on the web (overpassing AngularJS 2 and others). I thought
you integrated React in FlexJS but as I read I saw is really a comparision
and not an integration like the one with CreateJS. Very useful to see the

What do you think about integrate a library of components in FlexJS that
would look more nicely and have a robust functionality built in?. I think
the actual point is getting some component set in FlexJS with the whole
lifecycle that would behave in some one way like the ones we had with spark.

2016-06-03 19:33 GMT+02:00 Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com>:

> Hi,
> FlexJS has a couple of non-Flash component libraries now, CreateJS and
> jQuery, along with integration with Apache Cordova. This got me thinking
> about ReactJS. I did a little investigation to see how it might fit with
> FlexJS and I wrote a brief page about[1]. My opinion is that ReactJS,
> especially when used with JSX, is more parallel to FlexJS and not easily
> integrated as a project like some of the other JavaScript offerings.
> If you have familiarity with ReactJS, perhaps you could give the article a
> look and provide some feedback. Maybe I missed something crucial about
> ReactJS.
> Thanks,
> Peter Ent
> Adobe Systems/Apache Flex Project
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLEX/FlexJS+and+ReactJS


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