What does URLLoader do that HTTPService doesn't?


On 7/3/16, 9:36 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Let me explain a bit better why I’m asking.
>Yishay and I are working on a URLLoader class which will behave similar
>to the Flash URLLoader class. Is there any reason not to make both the
>Flash and JS version extend EventDispatcher? From what I can see, the
>flex EventDispatcher on the JS side extends goog.events.EventTarget. Is
>there a concern with using that instead of HTMLElementWrapper (which as I
>understand it uses native DOM elements to dispatch events)?
>On Jul 3, 2016, at 5:52 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>>> I’m not sure my question made sense, but I do have a related question:
>>> Why this?
>>>     public class HTTPServiceBase extends EventDispatcher
>>>     {
>>>   }
>>>   public class HTTPServiceBase extends HTMLElementWrapper
>>>   {
>>>   }
>>> Why is the JS side not extending EventDispatcher as well?
>> IMO, some code somewhere as to abstract the platform differences and do
>> as thinly as possible for performance reasons, so the inheritance chain
>> for classes don't have to be the same, the API surface they present
>> I think there will be more emphasis on Interfaces like IEventDispatcher
>> instead of base classes like EventDispatcher in FlexJS.  It should keep
>> from wasting code trying to make everything look the same under the
>> and prevent huge chains of class dependencies that make it hard to have
>> separation of concerns and small applications.
>> Or maybe I'm not understanding your question...
>> -Alex

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