On 8/18/16, 4:40 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

>as I mentioned a few days ago, I will be having a talk on FlexJS in
>Hamburg on 08.09.2016 (http://programmplaner.solutions.hamburg/#/).
>I hope we will be able to ship a new version with the Maven support till
>then? Do you think that's possible? What are we missing?
>I would suggest that I stage a Maven release and you do an Ant release
>based on the Maven Release Tag. Maven does two commits during a release:
>1. change the version number to the release version, 2. Change the
>version to the next development version. It tags the commit number 1
>automatically. So if you would do an Ant release from that state, the
>version number should be consistent. The only thing we would need to do
>is merge both ends back together, but that shouldn't be an issue as the
>files touched during an Ant release should be different than those of a
>Maven release.
>The only thing I would need to do before that, would be to prepare 1.0.0
>releases of the build-helper-maven plugin and the little jburg-types jar.
>I could initiate this any time.

I asked this in a different thread, but where is the source package for
the official vote?  From the Ant or Maven builds?  I have not checked the
Maven builds.  If the plan is to use the Ant builds for the source
package, then your plan sounds fine to me.

AFAIK, I am just waiting on one more check-in from Peter on the examples.
It would be great to get Justin's thumbs up before starting the vote, or
we can just gamble that we've addressed all of his earlier issues.


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