I just pushed flexjs 0.7.0 with a tag 'next'.  If someone can test it on a
Mac and give me an all clear, I can go ahead and promote the package to a

*npm install flexjs@next -g *
to test flexjs 0.7.0 npm package.


On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 2:31 PM, OmPrakash Muppirala <bigosma...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> Please comment on the draft below.  We need Om or someone to publish the
>> npm module.
> On it.
> Thanks,
> Om
>> -----------
>> The Apache Flex community is pleased to announce the release of Apache
>> FlexJS SDK 0.7.0 and Apache Flex FalconJX Compiler 0.7.0.
>> Apache Flex is a highly productive, open source application framework for
>> building and maintaining expressive applications that deploy consistently
>> on all major browsers, desktops and devices (including smartphones,
>> tablets and tv).
>> Apache FlexJS is a next-generation Flex SDK that enables developers to use
>> MXML and ActionScript to not only create SWFs but also cross-compile the
>> same MXML and ActionScript to HTML/JS/CSS so applications can run natively
>> in browsers.  The cross-compiled code can also be used in Apache Cordova
>> (Adobe PhoneGap) mobile applications.
>> Apache Flex FalconJX is a next-generation MXML and ActionScript
>> cross-compiler.  It extends the next-generation SWF compiler known as
>> Falcon.  Both are contained in the release package and are used by the
>> FlexJS package to compile SWFs or cross-compile to HTML/JS/CSS.
>> This is the fifth release of FlexJS and FalconJX.  It is ‘beta'
>> quality.  In this release, all of the compiler JARs and framework SWCs are
>> also available as Maven artifacts making it the first version of any Flex
>> SDK to support Maven.  Maven can even be used to build the sources and
>> examples.  See the various pom.xml files included in the artifacts.
>> In addition, the JS output also includes source maps so you can see your
>> ActionScript source in the browser debugger.  Also, there is more support
>> for using ActionScript to create NodeJS modules, and you can now use a
>> subset of E4X in your cross-compiled applications.  See the RELEASE_NOTES
>> files in the artifacts for more information.
>> The purpose of this release is to gather feedback about the
>> features and implementation strategies, and recruit new contributors as we
>> grow these code bases into an SDK and tool chain that delivers the highest
>> productivity developing applications that can run in the most places.
>> These releases may not handle production needs.  Expect lots of bugs and
>> missing features.  Please file bugs at:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX/
>> For questions about how to use FlexJS and FalconJX, send email to
>> us...@flex.apache.org.  Please try to prefix the subject with [FlexJS] or
>> [FalconJX] so it is clear the questions refer to this release and not the
>> Flex SDK and MXMLC compiler.
>> For questions and feedback on the development of the source code in these
>> release, send email to dev@flex.apache.org.  Again, please prefix the
>> subject with [FlexJS] or [FalconJX].
>> Apache FlexJS and Apache Flex FalconJX are available in source and binary
>> form from the following download page:
>> http://flex.apache.org/download-flexjs.html
>> When downloading from a mirror site, please remember to verify the
>> downloads using signatures or MD5 hashes.
>> A simple way to try these releases is to use the
>> InstallApacheFlex 3.1 or 3.2 application which is available at the
>> following url:
>> http://flex.apache.org/installer.html
>> Choose Apache FlexJS 0.7.0 and it will create an Adobe Flash
>> Builder-compatible SDK that uses the Falcon and FalconJX compilers to
>> generate SWFs and HTML/JS/CSS output.  You can also use FDT as your IDE
>> for developing FlexJS applications.  Some folks have been successful
>> using IntelliJ, FlashDevelop as well.  Moonshine is also working on
>> FlexJS support.
>> Apache FlexJS 0.7.0 is also available as a npm package. On a system with
>> npm installed, users can easily install FlexJS with the command: "npm
>> install flexjs -g".
>> See the README or the FlexJS wiki for more information.  The FlexJS
>> section of the wiki is at the following
>> url:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLEX/FlexJS
>> For more information on Apache Flex, visit the project home page:
>> http://flex.apache.org
>> Please try FlexJS and become involved in shaping the future of Flex.
>> The Apache Flex Community

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