On 10/3/16, 2:28 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> Again, to be clear, no commits to our repo, just a PR or patch to the
>> OpenFL community?
>There will be commits to our repo.
>>  Roy said that there is no obligation.
>He also said this isn't an ideal way to operate in the same email [1] He
>also stated adding an Apache header to a 3rd party MIT license is
>incorrect either the “Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
>under one or more contributor license agreements.” is true or not. If it
>contains 3rd party code then this is not correct. [2]

In [1] he also suggest contacting the upstream.  Please do so as an
individual since this is apparently important to you.  There are lots of
non-ideal things in software that we don't have to invest time on.  IMO,
this is one of them.  [2] is from a different context about code donation
and doesn't apply here.  If the upstreams do not respond then we can
consider what to do in our repo next.  If they respond, then it is more
obvious what to do in the repo.

>>  I thought the plan there was that I was going to try to get
>> permission to donate the externs files to them.
>Which was something you suggested, but couldn’t find a volunteer to do
>so. [3] Are you planning on doing this? I also note that a couple of PMC
>members in that thread are also of the option that the header should be

In order to end the debate on this issue, I will seek to donate these
files when my manager re-surfaces from his vacation.  Should be this week
or next week.

>1. http://markmail.org/message/t5q6f5i62peo44i3
>2. http://markmail.org/message/owuo2jqko27knkev
>3. http://markmail.org/message/reeagvhjwqg7wk7n

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