
somedays ago we talked in other thread about the actual importance of SWF
output. I must to admit that my actual goals are around JS output since is
the most needed, and was thinking that maybe even SWF output could be no
longer needed in the future.

Today, my perspective turn completely talking with other devs about past
HTML experiences and FlexJS future. The main reason is poor mobile html
performance with actual JS frameworks, something that FlexJS html should
has the same problem too.

Actual HTML Apps built with Angular, React and other HTML5/JS frameworks
are not performant in mobile device browsers like Flash (Stage3D) could
perform (like Feathers) encapsulated as mobile apps.

So I think although my priorities has not change and I want to get HTML/JS
output first, I think SWF output (based on Stage3D) comes as a real
interesting point for FlexJS in the future.

What do you think?


Carlos Rovira
Director General
M: +34 607 22 60 05

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