Hi, my name’s Dave.  This will likely sound backwards, but I’m migrating an Air 
game with a node/js back-end from a heavier Jenkins/hudson/ant/svn build 
process to a lighter-weight bash/git process in order to streamline devops for 
a small team managing multiple game forks.  I’m a Jenkins, ant, hudson, 
ActionScript, and java newb, but I’m learning as fast as I can.  Thanks in 
advance for your patience!

I’m hitting some really hard to understand behaviour from the mxmlc compiler 
that makes me think I am passing it arguments in a violently bad way.  It seems 
that my -define arguments on the command line are not surviving the transition 
to source.  It’s spitting out a ton of errors about how CONFIG::THIS or 
CONFIG::THAT is not defined when it gets to their use in various parts of the 
source code, but I’m starting to think that might be a side-effect of a deeper 
issue I’m not understanding, because I’m also getting this error:

Syntax error: ':' is not allowed here

There is no config.as file in that directory.  There is a CONFIG.as file in a 
completely different directory, but there is no colon anywhere in it.  The only 
thing in it is “package { public namespace CONFIG ; }” spaced over about 4 
lines.  I can remove that other CONFIG.as file with no effect on the behaviour. 
 I’ve also tried watching that build directory to see whether mxmlc generates a 
config.as file.  If it does, its lifespan is less than one second, because I 
don’t see it appear.

I am also getting a couple of Internal Errors that look like this:

Internal error: Unable to generate code for '?'
                    case "dev":

It’s the first case of a pretty mundane switch statement.  It doesn’t complain 
about other case statements in that switch, and it hasn’t changed from the one 
that the Jenkins/ant-driven mxmlc compiles successfully.  The fact that it’s an 
“internal error” along with that previous error about the file that doesn’t 
exist is what makes me think I’ve done something particularly awful to put 
mxmlc in something of a state.

I’ve tried to very meticulously copy the ant-based mxmlc parameters to the bash 
mxmlc command line, which currently looks like this:

../../servers/jenkins/flex_sdk_4.6/bin/mxmlc -target-player=28 -swf-version=29 
-compiler.debug=false -compiler.actionscript-file-encoding=UTF-8 
-compiler.show-actionscript-warnings=true -compiler.strict=true 
-incremental=true -keep-generated-actionscript=false -output 
../android/redacted-73ef2/redacted.swf -use-network=true -compiler.as3=true 
-compiler.optimize=true -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true 
-compiler.source-path+=../android/generated -default-size 1024 768 
-define=CONFIG::BUILD_ENV,env -define=CONFIG::GAME,redacted 
'-define=CONFIG::GAME_NAME,A Name With Spaces In It' 
-define=CONFIG::BUILD_PLATFORM,phone -define=CONFIG::AIR,true 

I’ve attached the full error log below.

I’m using flex 4.6, btw.  I’ve tried running this on both OSX and Windows w/ 
cygwin, and the errors are identical.

Any clues as to what might be amiss?  I’ve been banging my head on this for 
over half a day, and I’m running out of ideas.

Thanks so much for your help!  It’s for a fun game featuring what I think might 
be one of the first Rubenesque female heroes in a game I’ve ever seen, so noble 
cause n stuff!  :)


Loading configuration: 
Loading configuration: 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Syntax error: ':' is not allowed here

Warning: variable 'loadBackup' has no type declaration.
                public static var loadBackup = false;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        enviroment = CONFIG::BUILD_ENV;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_PLATFORM'
                        platform = CONFIG::BUILD_PLATFORM;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'ENABLE_ENCODED_DESCRIPTIONS'
                                if (CONFIG::ENABLE_ENCODED_DESCRIPTIONS)

Internal error: Unable to generate code for '?'
                                        case "dev":

Internal error: Unable to generate code for '?'
                                        case "env":

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'FILESERVER_URL'
                                                domain = CONFIG::FILESERVER_URL;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'CHATSERVER_IP'
                                                chatServerLoadBalancer_IP = 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'CHATSERVER_PORT'
                                                chatServerLoadBalancer_Port = 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'GAME'
                                                enviromentPath = domain + "/" + 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'PAYMENTSERVER_PORT'
                                                paymentServer_Port = 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'PAYMENTSERVER_URL'
                                                paymentDomain = 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'
                        return CONFIG::AIR;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'LOCAL_MODE'
                        if (CONFIG::LOCAL_MODE)

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'GAME_NAME'
                        if (CONFIG::GAME_NAME !== undefined)

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'GAME_NAME'
                                gameName = CONFIG::GAME_NAME;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'ENCODE_REMOTE'
                        if (CONFIG::ENCODE_REMOTE)

Warning: Comparison between a value of type String and an unrelated type int.
                        if (ApplicationVersion.version !== 

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: rewards.
                                var rewards : Array = 

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: o.
                                for each(var o:Object in rewards)

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: desc.
                                        var desc : ResourceDescription;

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: itemid.
                                        var itemid : String = 
DataUtils.safeValue(o, "itemid", "");

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: amount.
                                        var amount : int = 
DataUtils.safeValue(o, "amount", -1);

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: isSkin.
                                        var isSkin : Boolean = false;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        if (CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != "dev" && CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        if (CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != "dev" && CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        if (CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != "dev" && CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        if (CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != "dev" && CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        if (CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != "dev" && CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'BUILD_ENV'
                        if (CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != "dev" && CONFIG::BUILD_ENV != 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'ENABLE_CRASH_APP_ON_CHEAT'
                        if (CONFIG::ENABLE_CRASH_APP_ON_CHEAT)

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'
                                        var isAir : Boolean = CONFIG::AIR;

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: defaultImg.
                                        var defaultImg : Texture = 

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: defaultImageData.
                                        var defaultImageData : Object = 
{id:friendId, image:defaultImg};

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: userId.
                        for (var userId : String in users)

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'
                var isAir : Boolean = CONFIG::AIR;

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: spellIconTex.
                                        var spellIconTex : Texture = 
GameAssetManager.instance.getTexture(spell.typeId, SceneConfig.COMMON);

Warning: variable 'ICON_WIDTH' has no type declaration.
                public static const ICON_WIDTH = 36;

Warning: variable 'ICON_HEIGHT' has no type declaration.
                public static const ICON_HEIGHT = 36;

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'AIR'

Warning: return value for function 'createMap' has no type declaration.
                private function createMap(mapType : int)

Warning: return value for function 'zoomOut' has no type declaration.
                private function zoomOut(newZoom : Boolean)

Warning: return value for function 'zoomedOut' has no type declaration.
                private function zoomedOut(newZoom : Boolean)

Warning: return value for function 'zoomMap' has no type declaration.
                private function zoomMap(location : Point, scale : Number)

Warning: return value for function 'buildZoneList' has no type declaration.
                private function buildZoneList()

Warning: return value for function 'buildZone' has no type declaration.
                private function buildZone()

Warning: return value for function 'buildQuest' has no type declaration.
                private function buildQuest(quest : Object)

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: spellIconTex.
                                var spellIconTex : Texture = 
GameAssetManager.instance.getTexture(skillDesc.typeId, SceneConfig.COMMON);

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: block.
                                                for each (var block : IBlock in 

Warning: Duplicate variable definition: block.
                                        for each (var block      : IBlock in 

Warning: variable 'endPoint' has no type declaration.
                        var endPoint = new Point(enemy.hpBarStartPoint.x, 

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'ENABLE_ENCODED_DESCRIPTIONS'
                        if (CONFIG::ENABLE_ENCODED_DESCRIPTIONS)

Error: Accessors cannot be nested inside other functions.
                public function get safeValue() : Number

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED'
                        if (CONFIG::SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED)

Error: Accessors cannot be nested inside other functions.
                public function set safeValue(value : Number) : void

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED'
                        if (CONFIG::SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED)

Error: Accessors cannot be nested inside other functions.
                public function get safeIntValue() : int

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED'
                        if (CONFIG::SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED)

Error: Accessors cannot be nested inside other functions.
                public function set safeIntValue(value : int) : void

Error: Can not resolve config constant: 'SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED'
                        if (CONFIG::SAFE_VALUES_ENABLED)

command line
Warning: 'static-link-runtime-shared-libraries' is not fully supported.

command line
Warning: 'compiler.keep-generated-actionscript' is no longer supported and will 
have no effect.

command line
Warning: 'compiler.incremental' is no longer supported and will have no effect.

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