Indeed, Chris, those aren't a waste of time, and no one would disagree with
that. When the compiler errors with a stack trace, that's a serious bug and
should be reported on JIRA.

- Josh

On Dec 15, 2016 3:09 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <>

Hi Carlos,

unfortunately this type of problem often originates from some of the
problems in Falcon. Falcon hadles the case in which code and configuration
is correct nicely. I reported the presence of a lot of problems in Falcon
when compiling not correct code as a large number of execution paths in the
compiler for example are guaranteed to produce NullPointerExceptions if not
compiling correct code. Tracking down these errors is quite frustrating as
due to the NPE the context gets lost (I had to do that quite a lot in order
to get the initial Maven version of the build running).

I still think working on these issues is not a waste of time.


Am 14.12.16, 19:42 schrieb " im Auftrag von Carlos
Rovira" < im Auftrag von>:

    Just created one:

    FLEX-35218 - FlexJS Errors unable to debug

    2016-12-14 2:38 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui <>:

    > File a bug with a test case.
    > On 12/13/16, 5:23 PM, " on behalf of Carlos
    > < on behalf of> wrote:
    > >> >
    > >> >Could not find file for class:
    > >> >org.apache.flex.html.beads.models.ToggleButtonModel
    > >> >File not found: org.apache.flex.html.beads.mod
    > >>
    > >> This file in not in one of the SWCs in the project, but some code
    > >>it.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >But that's not the problem Alex. The change I introduced from one
    > >successful compilation to one failing is this line in the new
    > >
    > >var e:HTMLElement = textNode.parentNode;
    > >e.innerHTML = text;
    > >
    > >If I introuduced that and compiler reports that something wrong goes
    > >ToggleButtonModel is clear that something wrong is going in some
    > >in falcon...


    Carlos Rovira
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