On 1/13/17, 10:28 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
<carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:

>2017-01-13 19:11 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>:
>> IMO, there are at least some existing Flex apps that don't use AMF.  Now
>> it may turn out that we will have AMF shortly, but until it is done,
>> who don't need it can start migrating their apps today.  Some folks are
>> already migrating.
>I don't think so. For me flow data comes first and then other things.
>Without server connection I think almost no people will start migrating.
>People even can start a wireframe ugly project, but seeing data is coming
>and they can sent data. Then will come themes, and other eye candy

Some Flex apps I've seen used SOAP/XML.  I definitely know there is at
least one app under migration now and AIUI, it is using XML not AMF.  I
completely understand that with AMF we will become more attractive to more
Flex customers, but if we can make migration possible for folks using XML
or even JSON, why can't we call that our 1.0?  What would be wrong with
calling that 1.0?


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