Hi Olaf,

I think that current state of the art with FlexJS and MDL are working ok, I
think API is stable and should not change.

As all early adopters, for sure, you'll find things in the road, but things
that could make improve FlexJS and make it go to a 1.0

I recomendaciones you to use not only MDL and VSCode but Maven building as

Hope you could join us bringing problems and help us fixing it on your
road! :)


2017-01-30 12:39 GMT+01:00 OK <p...@olafkrueger.net>:

> Hi guys,
> first thanks again to all of you for all the efforts to push FlexJS in the
> right direction!
> For an upcoming simple project I maybe have the chance to choose FlexJS.
> Going with FlexJS would be great cause the best way to legitimate any kind
> of effort regarding the FlexJS framework within the scope of my daily job
> is
> to have at least an FlexJS app in production.
> The main purpose of the upcoming project/app is to just to collect some
> data
> by providing some material design based forms. My Idea is to build the
> "consumer UI" with FlexJS and the probably more complex "admin UI" with the
> standard Flex SDK.
> Cause I've not followed the complete discusson here in the past I wonder if
> the current code base is stable and complete enough to realize such an app
> with FlexJS.
> I understand 1.0 is not reality yet and I don't expect a perfect working
> framework but if I suggest FlexJS as a potential candiate for us I'd like
> to
> make sure not to spend too much time with framework issues.
> Could anybody share his expericance?
> Thanks,
> Olaf
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-flex-
> development.2333347.n4.nabble.com/FlexJS-MDL-VS-Code-ready-
> to-go-tp58795.html
> Sent from the Apache Flex Development mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


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