I think this is generally a good approach.

I've been thinking that we have some refactoring to do which might help.
For instance, Core should probably be edited to include interfaces,
events, and whatever else works across all packages. HTML should probably
be just the HTML classes (Div, H1, TextNode, etc) so anyone that wants
HTML+ActionScript can use that and then use CSS to do all their layouts;
HTML would not have a SWF version.

Then Basic could be SWF & JS with layouts that are light on the JS side
using CSS and AS code to mimic them on the SWF side. Express would do what
it is doing now and compose components by extending the Basic set and
adding common beads.

I've been hung up with the JS side having stuck on the display and
position values and deferring them might be the best solution.


On 2/21/17, 2:25 PM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
<carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:

>Hi Peter,
>it seems HTML rely for this task heavily on CSS to the point that almost
>nothing is done in html or js code.
>So maybe we are not in the right way for HTML platform and we should make
>our code be mainly CSS.
>An example is here:
>Another point is SWF. I'm not focusing in that output and even I didn't
>compile to SWF for long time, so don't know how
>is looking, but for what I saw in other discussions seems that Flash needs
>to implement the old Flex architecture of
>updateDisplayList to manage refresh to avoid continuous redrawing of the
>So my bet is that our AS3 layout components should do:
>1.- In JS -> add className to "some-class-layout" (for example for circle,
>if we have circle-layout, we should have a "circleLayout" css class
>selector, that we could assign to out flexjs "list component"
>2.- in SWF -> we should stick with the way this was done in Flex4 but
>implementing as a bead and with the "updateDisplayList" performance
>What do you think?
>2017-02-21 20:10 GMT+01:00 Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com>:
>> A lot of this work is mine and it seems to need to be thought through
>> again. The dichotomy of SWF & JS has presented problems for me in the
>> Maybe the layouts, for JS platform, should do as little as possible,
>> replying on CSS as much as possible. Then make the SWF platform mimic
>> One issue that comes up for me is that we automatically set display and
>> position for every element soon after its created. If you were to
>> hand-write the HTML you probably would not do that.
>> So perhaps FlexJS should not set these styles at all and instead let the
>> layout set them if the layout even needs to do that.
>> Thoughts?
>> ‹peter
>> On 2/21/17, 1:42 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >We¹re really struggling with layout.
>> >
>> >Yishay just mentioned the fact that padding is not working, but the
>> >problems seem to go much deeper than that.
>> >
>> >1. VerticalLayout has the following code:
>> >                               for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
>> >                               {
>> >                                       var child:WrappedHTMLElement =
>> children[i];
>> >                                       child.flexjs_wrapper.
>> setDisplayStyleForLayout('block');
>> >                                       if (child.style.display ===
>> >                                       {
>> >                                               child.flexjs_wrapper.
>> setDisplayStyleForLayout('block');
>> >                                       }
>> >                                       else
>> >                                       {
>> >                                               // block elements don't
>> measure width correctly so set to inline
>> >for a second
>> >                                               child.style.display =
>> 'inline-block';
>> >                                               maxWidth =
>> Math.max(maxWidth, child.offsetLeft + child.offsetWidth);
>> >                                               child.style.display =
>> 'block';
>> >                                       }
>> >                                       child.flexjs_wrapper.
>> dispatchEvent('sizeChanged');
>> >                               }
>> >
>> >There is a number of problems that I can see with this. Firstly, it¹s
>> >horribly inefficient:
>> >                                               child.style.display =
>> 'inline-block';
>> >                                               maxWidth =
>> Math.max(maxWidth, child.offsetLeft + child.offsetWidth);
>> >The above will force a browser redraw at every step of the loop. If you
>> >have hundreds of children, there will be hundreds of redraws just to
>> >figure out the children width. If anything, there should probably be
>> >three loops: One to set the inline-blocks, The second to measure all
>> >children (the first measure would trigger a redraw, but subsequent ones
>> >not) The third to set inline-block back.
>> >
>> >Secondly, there¹s only a need to measure the children if the container
>> >sized to content. If the container has a fixed width or a percentage
>> >width, I don¹t see why the children should be measured at all. The only
>> >exception I can see is if there is overflow:auto.
>> >
>> >Thirdly, I don¹t understand how setting the child to inline-block
>> >What about the grandchildren? Don¹t those need to be measured too?
>> >Fourthly, Both Horizontal and VerticalLayout have code which
>> >sets inline-block. BasicLayout does not, and I don¹t understand why
>> >there¹s a difference. (BasicLayout has the same re-rendering problem
>> >though.)
>> >2.
>> >                               if (!hasWidth && n > 0 &&
>> !isNaN(maxWidth)) {
>> >                                       var pl:String =
>> scv['padding-left'];
>> >                                       var pr:String =
>> scv['padding-right'];
>> >                                       var npl:int =
>> parseInt(pl.substring(0, pl.length - 2), 10);
>> >                                       var npr:int =
>> parseInt(pr.substring(0, pr.length - 2), 10);
>> >                                       maxWidth += npl + npr;
>> >                                       contentView.width = maxWidth;
>> >                               }
>> >
>> >This seems totally wrong. Why is the padding being added when we¹re
>> >box-sizing: border-box?
>> >
>> >3. Percentage size seems to be set based on the children rather than
>> >parents.
>> >
>> >4. I¹m not sure I understand the layout lifecycle very well. We have
>> >cases where children did not seem to be layout, and forcing a layout
>> >seemed to be very difficult to do.
>> >
>> >Harbs
>Carlos Rovira
>Director General
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