As I go through FlexJS, I am wondering if we need to continue the idea of
chrome. Chrome is not something built into HTML/CSS/JS, it is artificial.
We use it for the title bar and control bar in a Panel, but a Panel can be
composed of nesting Groups and applying the correct styles.

In Flex, scroll bars were chrome but they do not have that status in HTML.
In fact, just using overflow:auto will get scrollbars (when needed) on a
Group (aka <div>). To get scrollbars on the SWF side we do need to embed a
scrollable area within an area that will mask the overflowing bits and
provide interactive scroll bars.

In my mind, Container serves the purpose of allowing those apps that run
on SWF or SWF/JS platforms to have scrollable content. If you were to run
only on JS, then you don't need Container, you can just style the div
provided by Group. But we need to give SWF a hint which can be done by
using Container instead of Group when you suspect the content will need to
be scrolled. The CSS style for Container can have overflow:auto set and
otherwise extend Group for the JS side. The SWF side can nest
DisplayObjectContainers and put scrollbars into the outer container and
use it as a mask. 

Panel can be composed of an outer Group, with a Group for the title bar, a
Container for the content, and another Group for the control bar. If
anyone really needs to have chrome pieces they can do the same thing.

What do you think? Should Container continue to support chrome (aka,
components implementing IChrome interface) or should it just be for
scrollable content?


On 3/7/17, 10:31 AM, "Peter Ent" <> wrote:

>Thanks for the feedback!
>As I go through the examples, I see that we (mostly me) created a number
>of nested elements, such as a <div><button></div> for an item renderer.
>That makes it more difficult to lay out since the content of the div is
>not always set to fill the div's space. I think each of the components and
>renderers need to be examined and updated.
>On 3/7/17, 10:04 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
>< on behalf of>
>>Hi Peter, I think this awesome. get rid of the hardcoded styles in
>>component classes is such important thing and first point not only in
>>effort of create a good layout strategy, but an important previous step
>>we want to implement theming in FlexJS.
>>Great! :D
>>2017-03-07 14:23 GMT+01:00 Peter Ent <>:
>>> This is the theory, yes. A way to do your own thing using AS and MXML
>>> construct the app which then generates the right amount of HTML
>>> making it easier to style. Or use pre-built constructions and layouts
>>> templates that also generate the right amount of HTML structure.
>>> I'm thinking that Panel would be a good case for a composite component
>>> maybe even move it into Express. In theory, you can compose a Panel
>>> <Group> with VerticalFlexLayout
>>>     <Group> with Horizontal Flex Layout for the Title Bar
>>>     <Container> to provide scrollable area
>>>     <Group> with Horizontal Flex Layout for the Control Bar
>>> </Group>
>>> We'll see how this goes.
>>> ‹peter
>>> On 3/6/17, 5:02 PM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >On 3/6/17, 1:26 PM, "piotrz" <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>Hi Peter,
>>> >>
>>> >>It looks awesome. Cause if I'm enough skilled in CSS I can do
>>> >>layout I want and I don't need to know any other one. - In theory. :)
>>> >
>>> >True, but like with everything else in FlexJS, we are trying to
>>> >encapsulate common patterns and make them easier to use.
>>> >
>>> >So for example if you have 3 children in a container and want to make
>>> >first one stretchy,  you might have to write:
>>> >
>>> ><Group style="display:flex" />
>>> >  <Label style="flex-grow: 2" />
>>> >  <Button style="flex-grow: 1" />
>>> >  <Button style="flex-grow: 1" />
>>> ></Group>
>>> >
>>> >Whereas with a layout you could write:
>>> ><Group>
>>> >  <beads>
>>> >    <FirstFlexibleChildLayout />
>>> >  </beads>
>>> ></Group>
>>> >
>>> >That way you don't have to remember the names of the styles or look up
>>> >to do it.
>>> >
>>> >Hopefully our Layouts will essentially do just that once Peter's done
>>> >this refactor.
>>> >
>>> >Of course, I could be wrong...
>>> >-Alex
>>> >
>>Carlos Rovira
>>Director General
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