
I'm am making progress toward simplifying the JS output generated from the 
components. I should be making a commit either tomorrow or the next day. There 
will be some things not working 100% correctly, mostly because they need to be 
tuned to use the new layouts or are making assumptions about positioning which 
have changed.

I've made changes to Group (which as my most recent commit), Container, List, 
Panel, etc. because they depend on some base work. I've also changed some of 
the SWF-side algorithms for layout and greatly simplified the HTML/JS versions 
of those layouts.

I've tested some of the examples and have fixed components that needed tuning. 
For example, the DateChooser is now a Group with three main parts and it uses 
VerticalFlexLayout to size and position those parts. The button header and 
days-of-week list use HorizontalFlexLayout. Panel is now a Group and it, too, 
uses VerticalFlexLayout to position the title bar and Container content area.  
So it has been a bit of time using those components to expose some short-coming 
in the layout code. I also had to go back and re-think how all of these parts 
fit together and behave on the Flash and HTML platforms.

I want to produce a before-and-after snapshot of some HTML so show you the 
differences and I will produce that tomorrow. Then I have to merge my changes 
into the develop branch.

I have only touched Core and HTML framework projects, but some of the other 
projects (like Charts) depend on these and I want to assess them before going 


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