Perhaps I am not understanding this.

You create a control component extending UIBase. You create your view bead
extending AbsolutePositioningViewBase. This bead makes sure that the
strand/host has position:relative set.

So how do you set position:absolute on each of the control's parts?
Setting part.x and part.y won't be enough. You still need set = "absolute". I don't think that will translate over
to the HTML side and will not be useful to Flash.


On 4/25/17, 2:08 PM, "Alex Harui" <> wrote:

>On 4/25/17, 10:55 AM, "yishayw" <> wrote:
>>App devs may want to write custom controls and would expect flash and js
>>behaviour to be the same. I think we should strive to eliminate use of
>>conditional compilation for app devs. If that's so we don't want them
>>changing an HTML only style (position).
>Agreed, which is why we'd offer different base classes for views, one of
>which assigns the position style.

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