On 5/2/17, 5:54 AM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com> wrote:
>Plus, there is no provision in the base layout for watching for new
>children or removed children. In the PAYG world, those feature would be
>part of other layouts:

This is theoretically true, but in reality, because we have to listen for
children being added at startup time, all you need to offer as an option
is the watching for remove.

>Here's the catch: going back to the HorizontalLayout, if you remove a
>child, the browser will automatically reposition the children to close the
>space left by the child removed. You do not need to write a specialty
>layout to do. So for HorizontalLayout, do we including watching for
>children added and removed because it mimics the browser or is it really a

IMO, it isn't "specialty", it is PAYG.  We don't want to only offer
fully-implemented browser support.  It would be too big and slow and take
us a long time to write and test.  Many apps can be written without
removing a child, so that is an option for our customers.  Basic should
offer those choices, Express can default to the fattest, slowest,
feature-rich thing that still makes us look good.

>Right now, the event listeners watching for changes in the children are
>multi-platform. A better, more PAYG approach (I think), is to make those
>event listeners SWF-side only and they should be part of the layouts that
>actually need them to mimic what the browser can do.

IMO, LayoutBase on the SWF-side could always implement size change
listeners since it would be hard to write a layout without out.

>So perhaps that best thing to do now is wait for FlexJS 0.9 and try this
>out an another branch to determine what the procedure should be.

I think we have until the end of the week to finish features.  Next week
should be all bug fixing, and the following week will hopefully be the one
vote thread so we can get the release on the mirrors and have it propagate
before the Summit.  I don't have an opinion on whether this work should be
done before the release or not.


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