Yes. I think people expect lists to scroll by default. Sorry I missed that
when I made those changes.

On 6/5/17, 1:43 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>That’s what I did for my app css. Changing it to ScrollingViewport fixed
>I did not know whether I should change defaults.css in Basic. It sounds
>like you are saying yes.
>> On Jun 5, 2017, at 5:25 PM, Peter Ent <> wrote:
>> That had to be accidental. I see in defaults.css that List has a
>> rather than ScrollingViewport. Just change that and lists should default
>> to scrolling.
>> Need to watch the DataGrid because its lists should not scroll - they
>> grow and the enclosing container scrolls them all together.
>> ‹peter
>> On 6/5/17, 3:01 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
>>> It looks like List defaults to overflow: hidden while it used to allow
>>> scrolling by default.
>>> Was this an intentional change?

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