
I must report a “-1” too … 

I could successfully build the framework part with the following command:
mvn clean install -s ~/.m2/settings-test.xml 

One minor thing I came across (but not enough for a -1 on its own), is that 
there was a problem in the distribution that only occurs if you run a 
distribution build on an empty local maven repo and without Apache SNAPSHOT 
repo enabled. I added the missing relativePath elements to the affected poms in 
the release branch.

The major thing for me is that with this RC we can’t deploy to Apache Release 
Repo and hereby not to Maven Central. I think it’s essential to be able to do 


Am 12.06.17, 10:09 schrieb "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com>:

    Sorry -1 (binding) as unable to compile from source. Will change to +1 once 
I can and test build.
    It looks like this may be an issue with the typedef code bundled in the 
falcon RC1 release so it may be that that RC needs to change rather than this 
    I checked:
    - signatures and hashes correct
    - LICENSE and NOTICE are fine
    - all source files have ASF headers
    - no unexpected binary files in release
    - Can't compile from source (see discussion)
    Also checked binary and that’s also fine re LICENSE and NOTICE etc ect

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