The checkintests target currently fails. I’m guessing the build file was not 
updated for dual.

Selenium has a JS API[1]. It seems like we should be able to write tests in 
MXML and AS and then use Node.js to run the results. I’m not sure how easy it 
would be to generalize tests so that the same tests could be run in both Flash 
and Selenium. It should be an interesting project to try.

We should probably add FlexUnit tests even if they only run in SWF. I will make 
an attempt to do so myself. It seems like it should be possible to run the 
FlexUnit tests in JS using one of the JS unit testing frameworks or even 
rolling our own JS implementation. I don’t think the way it’s run is important, 
but it would be a very good idea to allow FlexUnit to run in JS unmodified.

I never quite “got” how the meta tags in FlexUnit actually work.


> On Jul 7, 2017, at 1:38 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> I have a subset of Mustella working on both platforms in the BasicTests
> that run from the checkintests target in the Ant build.  There is a
> writeup on Mustella in the wiki
>  I
> haven't gone through it to see how much does or doesn't apply to FlexJS.
> The BasicTests are in the flex-asjs repo in mustella/tests/basicTests.  I
> basically copied the Flex SDK's BasicTests and modified it a bit to run in
> FlexJS and commented out most tests because back when I did it, we didn't
> have many components.  It might be interesting to comment more tests back
> in and see if they run.
> There are some FlexUnit tests that run as part of the Core.swc Ant build,
> but only on SWF.
> The Maven build runs some Selenium tests that I think are written in Java,
> and I think only test JS output.
> I haven't invested much time in test infrastructure or test creation since
> there were some strong opinions about not liking Mustella and some
> thoughts about how to make FlexUnit run on both platforms.
> My personal preference is that tests should be written in MXML and/or AS
> and run on both platforms.  Bonus points if existing tests can be run
> unmodified or mostly unmodified.
> -Alex
> On 7/6/17, 2:02 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
>> Where are the instructions on how to use it? If I know how to write
>> tests, I’d be much better about doing so…
>>> On Jul 6, 2017, at 11:53 PM, Alex Harui <>
>>> wrote:
>>> I have put in place a test infrastructure

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