> On Jul 9, 2017, at 11:53 AM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
>> O really! - There are other projects which using AS3 in Apache? Could you
>> send a links?
> Off top of my head MyFaces, Thrift and a couple of others. Maxim works on one 
> of them but I think they may of moved to a JS front end. None that I know use 
> AS as the main language but given the 300+ projects including incubating ones 
> it’s often hard to know everything that is going on. 

It’s actually quite easy.[1]

The only project other than Flex which is listed as using ActionScript is 
Thrift. You can see the source code here.[2]

As you can see on the SonarQube dashboard[3], there are a total of 21 projects 
using SonarQube. 5 of those are Flex projects. Of the remaining 16 projects, 
it’s very easy to see that none of them are using the Flex language.



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