I did think of the variable issues. Using instance variables does not generally 
strike me as problematic. (unless there’s a lot of them)

I did find some interesting articles on inlining vs function calling. Here’s 

Too many super calls might be bad because “call” can be expensive.

Yes. A more functional approach might be appropriate. Yishay had an interesting 
idea on maybe using CSS to apply functionality.

I’m going to sit on this one for a while and see if I come up with any 



> On Jul 31, 2017, at 3:58 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
> You're welcome to try different approaches to sharing code in the base
> classes.  Often, though, loops over children need to be inlined not only
> for performance reasons (to cut out one function call in the inner loop),
> but also for information sharing reasons (local variables accumulating
> values would now need to be instance variables).  But maybe a more
> functional programming style would work here.
> OneFlexibleLayout probably shouldn't set align-items or any CSS styles at
> all on the JS side.  Those values should be set in CSS.  If the SWF side
> has to run this sort of code, that's the cost of emulating JS in SWF.  Or
> maybe we need a SWF-side layout base that truly tries to emulate browser
> behavior.
> Also, for OneFlexible, there is no promise that it uses flex-box under the
> hood, it just has to solve what I found to be a hard problem in the
> browser (one stretchy thing), so the implementations for JS and SWF can be
> widely divergent.  If on the other hand we had a FlexBoxContainer, it
> would be the job of that code to emulate flex-box on the SWF side and do
> almost nothing on the JS side except set flex-box on the div.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 7/31/17, 3:42 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here’s a dilema I ran into this morning:
>> The OneFlexibleLayout beads have some code which look like this:
>> if (!contentView.element.style["align-items"])
>>   contentView.element.style["align-items"] = "center”;
>> What that does, is check if “align-items” is already set and sets it to
>> center if not. I’m assuming the reason it sets it to center is because
>> the default of flex-box is “stretch” which is not a very good default.
>> The problem is that center is not necessarily the best default either. I
>> would have probably made flex-start the default. In fact, it looks like
>> it is the default for swf is left. (flex-start is what I needed in my
>> situation.)
>> I have just committed a change to make the JS consistent with the SWF. It
>> now defaults to “flex-start” due to CSS defined on Container. I had to
>> add a Container typename for all containers for this to work. I hope this
>> is okay. I think it makes sense anyway, because otherwise, there’s no way
>> to set custom CSS for all containers. If the style sets “center”, then
>> that is honored to center it. The default can be overridden using CSS on
>> the JS side, but it will not have an effect on the SWF side.
>> So far, so good.
>> Now my question is the follows: It seems kind of random that only
>> alignItems:center does anything. I’d think that it should either support
>> flex-start, flex-end,center and stretch or not do anything. I’d guess the
>> answer is to create OneFlexibleLayoutWithAlignment?
>> The problem with that is we’d end up writing lots of duplicate code. In
>> fact, I went through the different layout classes and the general pattern
>> is constant across them:
>> 1. Do something to the parent
>> 2. Loop through the children, and do something to each one of them.
>> There are exceptions to this rule (such as the swf side of
>> OneFlexibleChild layouts), but the majority of the layouts follow this
>> pattern. I was thinking of the following idea to make it easier to
>> modularize functionality and avoid code repeat:
>> Change LayoutBase to the following:
>> public function layout():Boolean
>> {
>>      var contentView:ILayoutView = layoutView;
>>      var n:int = contentView.numElements;
>>      if (n == 0) return false;
>>      if(!layoutParent())
>>              return false
>>      for(var i:int=0; i < n; i++) {
>>              var child:UIBase = contentView.getElementAt(i) as UIBase;
>>              if(!layoutChild(child))
>>                      return false;
>>      }
>>      return true;
>> }
>> protected function layoutParent():Boolean{
>>   // override in subclass
>>      return false;
>> }
>> protected function layoutChild(child:UIBase):Boolean{
>>   // override in subclass
>>      return false;
>> }
>> Then in the subclasses, you would only override layout() if it does not
>> follow this pattern. When it does, you would just override layoutParent()
>> and layoutChild(). That has the following benefits:
>> 1. You do not need to write the loop in every subclass.
>> 2. Each subclass can use the pieces of the layout that make sense.
>> 3. If a subclass is just adding additional functionality (such as setting
>> the alignment of the children), it only needs to add code for that
>> specific functionality without the need to either rewrite the layout
>> function twice or make two loops.
>> Thoughts?
>> Harbs

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