
just commit a little change to test a successful communication of a VO
"Product" and casting in Flex.
I'm sure that AMF support is not complete, but it seems pretty useful right
now in its actual state. So congrats for getting to this point to all
people involved! :)

What do you guys think is the right step to do now?

1.- I could merge flex-asks/feature/amf branch into develop (I could see if
there's something already in typedefs to merge it as well)

2.- should I do something more needed? something I could be missing? Let me
know to see if I can help here



2017-09-05 20:53 GMT+02:00 Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>:

> Hi,
> to people interested in make AMF sample work here is what I did:
> 1.- Use the following branches:
>        flex-falcon:develop
>        flex-type-defs:feature/amf
>        flex-asjs:feature/amf
> build each one in that order with "mvn clean install" (you can add
> -DskipTests to avoid run tests)
> 2.- Go to examples/flexjs/RemoteObjectAmfTest and build it with "mvn
> clean install"
> 3.- Go to examples/ and build it with "mvn clean install"
> 4.- Go to examples/amf/SampleAmfWebApp and build it with "mvn clean
> install"
> 5.- In SampleAmfWebApp run "mvn spring-boot:run", this creates a jetty
> instance in port 8080 and deploy "SampleAmfWwebApp"
> 6.- Go to "RemoteObjectAmfTest " and to "target/javascript/bin/js-debug/" Run
> in a browser "index.html"
> Now you can play with the interface and get a string or and Array of
> objects.
> Hope that helps, please try and report if you find some problem or
> something that not works.
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira

Carlos Rovira

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