On 13/09/17 21:00, Peter Ent wrote:
> My LDAP entry at id.apache.org has a OpenPGP Public Key Primary
> Fingerprint set. I assume when I do sftp p...@home.apache.org it looks up
> 'pent' and sees the OpenPGP fingerprint, goes out to some key server and
> fetches whatever it needs.
> And after all this time I still get Permission denied. Maybe that's not a
> real PGP key. I looked up PGP for the Mac and found GPG Keychain which it
> says makes OpenPGP keys. Just very confused.

OK. You are mixing up key types.

The OpenPGP is typically used for signing releases and encrypting
e-mail. It isn't used for SSH.

Separately, you should also see in id.apache.org one or more "SSH Key
(authorized keys)" line.

This is the SSH public key that corresponds to your SSH private key that
you would typically store in ~/.ssh/id_rsa
(you can be more descriptive with the filename if you want to be)

If you only have one SSH key is should 'just work'. If you have more
than one you'll need to do some additional configuration via

Did you remember to copy across your SSH private key from you old
computer to your newer one? If not, you can either copy it now or create
a new one and replace the public SSH key stored at id.a.o



> —peter
> On 9/13/17, 3:15 PM, "Mark Thomas" <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 13/09/17 19:27, Peter Ent wrote:
>>> Thanks, Mark.
>>> I think I've done all the right stuff. As I started to do it, I began to
>>> remember doing it once before for SSH. I've been waiting awhile and
>>> still
>>> get permission denied, so I'll just keep waiting. I'm pretty sure I sent
>>> my key to a public key server. I'll go out for coffee and I hope it
>>> works
>>> when I get back.
>> That sounds like you might be mixing up OpenPGP release keys and SSH
>> keys. Anyway...
>> I've checked your LDAP record and you do have a public SSH key
>> configured. If it doesn't work when you try again let me know the time
>> (UTC) and IP address (send it privately if you have privacy concerns)
>> and I'll check the logs.
>> Mark
>>> —peter
>>> On 9/13/17, 1:22 PM, "Mark Thomas" <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> On 13/09/2017 18:05, Peter Ent wrote:
>>>>> I get permission denied (public key). I remember having to set up
>>>>> something for the old people site (I think) and have been trying to
>>>>> hunt
>>>>> down the instructions.
>>>> You should be able to set up your key through id.apache.org
>>>> You then need to allow enough time (I think it is about an hour) for
>>>> the
>>>> public key to sync to the servers you have access to. Then you should
>>>> be
>>>> able to sftp to home.a.o.
>>>> Mark
>>>>> ‹peter
>>>>> On 9/13/17, 12:49 PM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>>>> Should just be:
>>>>>>  sftp home.apache.org
>>>>>> Hope you remember your passphrase.
>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>> On 9/13/17, 9:16 AM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Does anyone have the instructions on how to set up access to your
>>>>>>> home.apache.org space? I've looked on the apache.org site and all I
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> find are instructions about the old people.apache.org. I guess I
>>>>>>> haven't
>>>>>>> accessed my home.apache.org since I set up my newer computer.
>>>>>>> I'm going to update my ASDocs info to point to our FlexJS ASDocs app
>>>>>>> page
>>>>>>> since Google is pointing to my old ASDoc and it needs to be more
>>>>>>> current.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Peter

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