1) Royale (binding)
2) Braid

‹peter ent

On 9/17/17, 3:19 PM, "Piotr Zarzycki" <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com> wrote:

>In this thread I've gathered list of names proposition for fork of FlexJS
>1) Pick up 3 names from the list and order them from the most favorite
>2) We will give points for each items in the list which you have choose
>3) In your list you can propose your own name - others can follow it in
>their lists
>1) Name1 - 3 points
>2) Name2 - 2 points
>3) Name3 - 1 point
>We will pickup winner based on gathered points by one of the name.
>The vote will be open until Tuesday September 19, 23:00 UTC

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