Hi Harbs,

you're right, I can work faster in WP but after I get a production state we
then can think about creating a state site with the results (there are
tools for that, even to migrate to Jekyll although I don't test it). My
beet is that we can export statics versions to host in gihub, I never did
this, but when I finish I'll take a look.

WP give us a lot of cool funcionality that we must see if we want/need it
in order to allow people to contribute.

At this time I'm working on visuals like the logo and then I'll go for home
and some pages. I think I have some weeks of work in front of me. Hope to
show you results as I get something that looks ok.

After I get a good state, we can maintain the site hidden if we want, I
think as well that maybe we could wait until the main things will be set
up. For example, IMHO, we need at least two more things: A good Royale
native UI Set and a project for forms, validators and formatters (I think
this two will be one of the first things people would want to check). As we
get the new mailing list we should create a thread and see what things to
get 1.0 (minimum)

The reason to maintain the site hidden is to make a huge release when we
reach the 1.0 state. And spread the word to magazines, tech sites, and
whatever that could make us create a big wave in the mainstream. We need to
get the attention of everyone working with actual frameworks and make them
look in our direction.

As I said, I don't really need all our website be created with Royale, but
I'd prefer concentrate our the efforts in make a "piece" that could make
people try Royale interactively in our home.

We need to show people how great Royale is and they should see it in few
minutes in our home trying some hello world code that could be changed on
the fly.

If people can see that, and is easy for them, people would want to try
Royale and I think could end as a Royale User in no time.

We need to make Royale easy for people doesn't now nothing about us, If we
get that, our user base will increase with the time and we could be one of
the techs widely used.

We need to make people think we are the next tech, that's for me should be
our goal.

2017-09-24 15:07 GMT+02:00 Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl>:

> >
> > [...] I’d definitely like to see if we could migrate the content
> > afterwards.
> >
> Dogfooding. Yeah!
> EdB
> --
> Ix Multimedia Software
> Jan Luykenstraat 27
> 3521 VB Utrecht
> T. 06-51952295
> I. www.ixsoftware.nl



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