Thanks Chris!

We need a volunteer to do the work to create a release for this.

I’ve never used BlazeDS, so I don’t feel comfortable doing it.

Any takers?


> On Jun 17, 2022, at 12:44 PM, Christofer Dutz <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have created a branch: "security-updates" ... here I updated most of the 
> libraries to get rid of vulnerable artifacts.
> All of the tomcat modules, I had to comment out as there's no invulnerable 
> tomcat version up to 7.
> I also commented out the JMS related stuff as there's no active-mq version 
> without vulnerabilities.
> And especially I commented out the spring-boot-starter, as it relies on the 
> spring-flex-core library which is discontinued on the spring side and greatly 
> out of date. Also did I try updating to the latest Spring version, it seems 
> there was not a single pre 6.0 version that wasn't reporting a lot of CVEs.
> One thing that needs changing before releasing a new version of BlazeDS, 
> would be to update from: 
> commons-httpclient: commons-httpclient to 
> org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient ... however this was not just a small 
> update of the dependencies. Here the code would require some refactoring. 
> I updated the build to the latest Apache parent pom, updated the plugins, had 
> to update the compiler to Java 1.8 as base-line version as 1.6 I can no 
> longer build.
> I added the rat-plugin as some files were missing Apache headers, I added the 
> owasp plugin to scan for vulnerabilities and to fail the build if something 
> above a score of 4.0 is found.
> Given my history with Flex and Roayle, I don't feel the desire to put any 
> more effort into this. You should now be on a good track to being able to 
> release a new version of BlazeDS. I don't care if this is in Apache Flex or 
> in Apache Royale.
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Bowen <> 
> Sent: Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2022 20:10
> To:
> Subject: Project retiring and board discussion
> I wanted to follow up on today's discussion on the board of directors call, 
> but first I have read a little bit of your mailing list archive, and that has 
> changed what I was going to say.
> Over the past year, the project has reported, in almost every board report, 
> that the project is inactive and planning to retire. But then I read the last 
> few months of email to this list, and it appears that the actual project 
> community has no such desire. Mostly I want to commend you for having that 
> conversation and putting the user community first.
> To be clear, there is no obligation to produce releases in order to continue 
> to operate a user-centric project. If you have users that rely on you, and 
> you have an active community (where "active" is defined as 3+ PMC members 
> able to respond in the case of a CVE, and folks who are available to answer 
> user questions) then you still have an "active" project. 
> That said, it's worth noting Chris Dutz's comment on your board report, 
> regarding the BlazeDS sub-project and its Log4J dependencies. He suggests 
> possibly investigating passing that sub-project over to Royale, if there are 
> not sufficient people here to address that concern.
> Anyways, please do reach out if you have any questions. But know that 
> "active" has many different possible definitions, and that projects are not 
> obligated to meet every bar in order to be serving their user community.
> --Rich, for the Board of Directors.

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