Thanks, Greg!

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <>

On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 7:16 PM Greg Dove <> wrote:

> Thanks for your work on this, Josh. I followed your guide in here, and
> think I covered all the required testing, and added my vote in the vote
> thread
> -Greg
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 5:23 AM Josh Tynjala <>
> wrote:
> > At minimum, extract the source-release .zip file and run `mvn clean
> > install` in the root directory that contains pom.xml.
> >
> > OPTIONAL: After `mvn clean isntall`, you can also test that it works with
> > the royale-compiler repo (be sure to pull the latest commits). Here's
> what
> > you need to do:
> >
> > (Prerequisite: Make sure that you have the FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER env var
> > pointing to a Flash Player projector executable. If you don't have this
> > executable already, the royale-compiler README explains how you can still
> > download it from Adobe.)
> >
> > 1. In royale-compiler, go into .mvn/extensions.xml and set the version to
> > 1.1.0: <version>1.1.0</version>
> > 2. Go into ~/.m2/repository/com/adobe/flash/ and move the "framework"
> > directory somewhere else temporarily. This lets you put it back later, if
> > something goes wrong.
> > 3. In royale-compiler, run `mvn clean install -P option-with-swf`.
> >
> > If the royale-compiler option-with-swf build passes, then the extension
> > successfully installed playerglobal 32.0.
> >
> > --
> > Josh Tynjala
> > Bowler Hat LLC <>
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 2, 2023 at 11:28 PM Harbs <> wrote:
> >
> > > What do I need to do to test this?
> > >
> > > > On Feb 3, 2023, at 1:15 AM, Josh Tynjala <>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > Please discuss the flex-sdk-converter-maven-extension 1.1.0 release
> > > > candidate here and not in the vote thread.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Josh
> > >
> > >
> >

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