Hi Flinksters, After a lot of development effort in the past months, it is about time to move towards the next major release. We decided to move towards 0.10 instead of a milestone release. This release will probably be the last release before 1.0.
For 0.10 we most noticeably have the new Streaming API which comes with an improved runtime including exactly-once sources and sinks. Additionally, we have a new web interface with support for live-monitoring. Not to mention the countless fixes and improvements. I've been ransacking the JIRA issues to find out what issues we have to fix before we can release. I've put these issues on the 0.10 wiki page: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/0.10+Release It would be great to fix all of these issues. However, I think we need to be pragmatic and pick the most pressing ones. Let's do that on the wiki page on the "To Be Fixed" section. Cheers, Max