Hej, I have a construct of different generic classes stacked on each other to create a library (so the type variables get handed on). And I have some trouble getting it to work. The current offender is a Class with 3 type variables <K, V, RV> internally it calls:
.fold(new Tuple3<>(keyInit ,new Tuple2<Double,Double>(0d,0d), valueFold.getInit()), new CountSumFold<V,K,RV>(keySelector,valueSelector,valueFold)) I initiated the class with <String, Tuple2<String,Double>,NullValue> but when I try to run it it I get the exception: org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.InvalidTypesException: Type of TypeVariable 'K' in 'class se.sics.anomaly.bs.models.CountSumFold' could not be determined. Anyone has an idea on how to fix this problem? cheers Martin