
Good Afternoon!

I work as an engineer at Symantec. My team works on Multi-tenant Event 
Processing System. Just a high level background, our customers write data to 
kafka brokers though agents like logstash and we process the events and save 
the log data in Elastic Search and S3.

Use Case: We have a use case where in we write batches of events to S3 when 
file size limitation of 1MB (specific to our case) or a certain time threshold 
is reached.  We are planning on merging the number of files specific to a 
folder into one single file based on either time limit such as every 24 hrs.

 We were considering various options available today and would like to know if 
Apache Flink can be used to serve the purpose.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you
Suma Cherukuri

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