Thanks for looking into this! I think we can put in the fix and remove one
of the tests, yes.

@Robert What do you think? I think you initially added this test a loooong
while back.

On Mon, 9 Jan 2017 at 20:11 Alexey Demin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying make small review for slow test and I found small issue:
> NonReusingReOpenableHashTableITCase
> testSpillingHashJoinWithMassiveCollisions
> testSpillingHashJoinWithTwoRecursions
> for testSpillingHashJoinWithTwoRecursions exist description
> /*
>  * This test is basically identical to the
> "testSpillingHashJoinWithMassiveCollisions" test, only that the number
>  * of repeated values (causing bucket collisions) are large enough to make
> sure that their target partition no longer
>  * fits into memory by itself and needs to be repartitioned in the
> recursion again.
>  */
> but he incorrect, because code of both test fully equal,
> one difference line very similar on bug after refactoring with inserting
> recordReuse
> testSpillingHashJoinWithMassiveCollisions
>  353   while ((record = != null) {
> (f51f1b4 19.03.14, 1:17 Aljoscha Krettek* Change MutableObjectIterator to
> allow immutable objects)
> Aljoscha, can we remove one test and fix to
> ?
> P.S. I started review because we have a lot of failing test due to cpu
> time limit
> Thanks,
> Alexey

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