Quick update: I created a branch where I make the result type of
WindowedStream operations more specific:

We would need this for the "lateStream()" API without the explicit

It seems the backwards compatibility checker doesn't like this and
complains about breaking binary backwards compatibility. +Robert Metzger
<rmetz...@apache.org> Do you have an idea what we could do there?

On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 at 12:39 Ufuk Celebi <u...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > I see the ProcessFunction as a bit of the generalised future of FlatMap,
> so
> > to me it makes sense to only allow side outputs on the ProcessFunction
> but
> > I'm open for anything. If we decide for this I'm happy with an additional
> > method on Collector.
> I think it's best to restrict this to ProcessFunction after all (given
> that we allow it for non-keyed streams, etc.). ;-)

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