Hello all,

>From our previous discussion started by Stavros, we decided to start a
planning document [1]
to figure out possible next steps for ML on Flink.

Our concerns where mainly ensuring active development while satisfying the
needs of
the community.

We have listed a number of proposals for future work in the document. In
short they are:

   - Offline learning with the batch API
   - Online learning
   - Offline learning with the streaming API
   - Low-latency prediction serving

I saw there is a number of people willing to work on ML for Flink, but the
truth is that we cannot
cover all of these suggestions without fragmenting the development too much.

So my recommendation is to pick out 2 of these options, create design
documents and build prototypes for each library.
We can then assess their viability and together with the community decide
if we should try
to include one (or both) of them in the main Flink distribution.

So I invite people to express their opinion about which task they would be
willing to contribute
and hopefully we can settle on two of these options.

Once that is done we can decide how we do the actual work. Since this is
highly experimental
I would suggest we work on repositories where we have complete control.

For that purpose I have created an organization [2] on Github which we can
use to create repositories and teams that work on them in an organized
Once enough work has accumulated we can start discussing contributing the
to the main distribution.


[2] https://github.com/flinkml

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