Hi all,

For the proposal of having a third party tool, I agree with Ted. Maintaining 
it is a big and far from trivial effort.

Now for the window of backwards compatibility, I would argue that even if 
for some users 4 months (1 release) is not enough to bump their Flink version, 
the proposed policy guarantees that there will always be a path from any old 
version to any subsequent one.

Finally, for the proposal about having LTS versions once a year, I am not
sure if this will reduce or create more overhead. If I understand the plan
correctly, this would mean that the community will have to maintain
2 or 3 LTS versions and the last two major ones, right?

> On May 22, 2017, at 7:31 PM, Ted Yu <yuzhih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For #2, it is difficult to achieve:
> a. maintaining savepoint migration is non-trivial and should be reviewed by
> domain experts
> b. how to certify such third-party tool
> Cheers
> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 3:04 AM, 施晓罡 <shixiaoga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Currently, we work a lot in the maintenance of compatibility.
>> There exist much code in runtime to support the migration of savepoints
>> (most of which are deprecated), making it hard to focus on the current
>> implementation.
>> When more versions are released, much more efforts will be needed if we
>> try to make these released versions compatible.
>> I agree with Tzu-Li that we should provide a method to let users upgrade
>> Flink in a reasonable pace.
>> But i am against the proposal that we only offer backwards compatibility
>> for one previous version.
>> According our time-based release model, a major version is released every
>> four month.
>> That means, users have to upgrade their versions every 8 months. Otherwise
>> they will have difficulties in the migration of existing savepoints.
>> My suggestions include
>> (1) We can release Long-Term Support (LTS) versions which are widely
>> adopted in other open-source projects.
>> LTS versions should be stable and are free of found bugs. Savepoints in
>> LTS versions are guaranteed to be back-compatible so that users can easily
>> upgrade to newer LTS versions.
>> The releasing of LTS versions is slower than that of major versions (maybe
>> once a year, determined by users’ upgrade frequency).
>> Each LTS version will be supported a period of time and typically there
>> are no more than three active LTS versions.
>> By encouraging users to use LTS versions, we can ease the maintenance of
>> released versions (bug fixes, back compatibility, and critical performance
>> improvement).
>> (2) We can provide a third-party tool to do the migration of old-versioned
>> savepoints.
>> When users upgrade their versions, they can use the provided tool to
>> migrate existing savepoints.
>> This can help move the code for savepoint migration out of the actual
>> codebase,  making code focuses on current implementation.
>> What do you think?
>> Regards,
>> Xiaogang
>>> 在 2017年5月22日,下午1:39,Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <tzuli...@apache.org> 写道:
>>> Hi Kostas,
>>> Thanks for bringing this up!
>>> I think it is reasonable to keep this coherent with our timely-based
>> release model guarantees.
>>> With the timely-based release model, there is a guarantee that the
>> current latest major version and the previous one is supported.
>>> For example, upon releasing 1.3, only 1.3 and 1.2 will still be
>> supported by the community for any required bug fixes.
>>> I think this was initially decided not only to ease old version
>> maintenance efforts for the community, but also as a means to let users
>> upgrade their Flink versions in a reasonable pace (at least every other
>> major release.)
>>> Therefore, I think its also reasonable to also clearly state that
>> savepoints compatibility will only be guaranteed for the previous release.
>>> Although I think at the moment almost, if not all, of the current code
>> still maintains compatibility for 1.1, in the long run these migration
>> codes would definitely start to pile up and pollute the actual codebase if
>> we try to always be compatible with all previous versions.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Gordon
>>> On 21 May 2017 at 2:24:53 AM, Kostas Kloudas (
>> k.klou...@data-artisans.com) wrote:
>>> Hi Chesnay,
>>> I believe that for APIs we already have a pretty clear policy with the
>> annotations.
>>> I was referring to savepoints and state related backwards compatibility.
>>>> On May 20, 2017, at 7:20 PM, Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>>> I think it would be a good to clarify what kind of
>> backwards-compatibilitiy we're talking about here. As in are we talking
>> about APIs or savepoints?
>>>> On 20.05.2017 19:09, Kostas Kloudas wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> As we are getting closer to releasing Flink-1.3, I would like to open
>> a discussion
>>>>> on how far back we provide backwards compatibility for.
>>>>> The reason for opening the discussion is that i) for the users and for
>> the
>>>>> adoption of the project, it is good to have an explicitely stated
>> policy that implies
>>>>> certain guarantees, and ii) keeping code and tests for backwards
>> compatibility with
>>>>> Flink-1.1 does not offer much. On the contrary, I think that it leads
>> to:
>>>>> 1) dead or ugly code in the codebase, e.g. deprecated class fields
>> that could go away and
>>>>> ugly if() loops (see aligned window operators that were deprecated in
>> 1.2 and are now
>>>>> normal windows), etc
>>>>> 2) expensive tests (as, normally, they read from a savepoint)
>>>>> 3) binary files in the codebase for holding the aforementioned
>> savepoints
>>>>> My proposal for such a policy would be to offer backwards
>> compatibility for one previous version.
>>>>> This means that 1.3 will be compatible with 1.2 (not 1.1). This still
>> allows a clear
>>>>> "backwards compatibility" path when jumping versions (a user that goes
>>>>> from 1.1 to 1.3 can go initially 1.1 -> 1.2, take a savepoint, and
>> then 1.2 -> 1.3),
>>>>> while also allowing us to clean up the codebase a bit.
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> Kostas

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