Hi Everyone,

As promised we've published as open source flink-jpmml, a library that
we've developed internally to serve PMML models within Flink using
JPMML-Evaluator[1]. We've completed a refactoring of the library during the
last weeks, so we're proud to share with the Flink community our effort.

The library is available on our Github page[2] and we published also a blog
post containing further details about the library API and its internals[3].

We've decided finally to stay with the same licence coming from
JPMML-Evaluator (GNU AGPL 3.0 license) accordingly to the guidelines of the
Apache Software Foundation[4].

I want to mention the names of the guys that ideated the latest version of
the library, Andrea Spina and Francesco Frontera, and the guys that
developed the first prototype more than a year ago (Simone Robutti and
Stefano Baghino). Thanks for the work! Happy to mention also that Francesco
has worked widely on this project during his BSc thesis.

Looking forward to receive feedback from the community, feel free to open
bugs, enhancement proposals and contribute opening PRs, we will be more
than happy to improve the library with the community.

Radicalbit Team

[1] - Java Evaluator API for PMML - https://github.com/jpmml/jpmml-evaluator
[2] - flink-jpmml - https://github.com/radicalbit/flink-jpmml
[3] - Flink-JPMML - Streaming Machine Learning Model Serving on Flink -
[4] - Apache License and GPL compatibility - https://www.apache.org/

Roberto Bentivoglio
e. roberto.bentivog...@radicalbit.io

Radicalbit S.r.l.
Via Pietro Borsieri 41,
20159 Milan - Italy

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