Thanks for sharing your ideas with the community. I really like the design
document and think that it's a good approach to follow Oracle's SQL
extension for pattern matching. Looking forward to having support for SQL
with CEP capabilities :-)


On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 8:57 AM, Jark Wu <> wrote:

> Hi  @Kostas, @Fabian, thank you for your support.
> @Fabian, I totally agree with you that we should focus on SQL first. Let's
> keep Table API in mind and discuss that later.
> Regarding to the orderBy() clause, I'm not sure about that. I think it
> makes sense to make it required in streaming mode(either order by rowtime
> or order by proctime). But CEP also works in batch mode, and not necessary
> to order by some column. Nevertheless, we can support CEP on batch SQL
> later.
> We are estimating how to implement MATCH_RECOGNIZE with CEP library (with
> NFA, CEP operator). And we will output a detailed doc and a prototype in
> the next days.
> Regards,
> Jark Wu
> 2017-06-07 21:40 GMT+08:00 Fabian Hueske <>:
>> Thanks Dian and Jark for this proposal!
>> As you wrote, Till and I (and Kostas) have been thinking about this for
>> some time but haven't had time to work on this feature.
>> I think it would be a great addition and value add for Flink's SQL
>> support and Table API.
>> I read the proposal and think it is very good. We might need to add a bit
>> more details, esp. when planning the concrete steps of the implementation.
>> A few comments to the proposal:
>> - IMO, the development should start focusing on SQL and its semantics.
>> Pattern support for the Table API should be added later. We followed that
>> approach for the OVER windows and I think it worked quiet well.
>> - We probably want to reuse as much as possible from the CEP library.
>> That means we need to check if the semantics of the CEP library and
>> Oracle's PATTERN syntax are aligned (or how we can express the PATTERN
>> semantics with the CEP library). This should be one of the first steps, IMO.
>> - I would make the orderBy() clause required. In regular SQL rows have no
>> order, so we need to make that explicit (this would also be consistent with
>> the OVER windows).
>> Let me know what you think.
>> Best, Fabian
>> 2017-06-07 11:41 GMT+02:00 Kostas Kloudas <>:
>>> Thanks a lot for opening the discussion!
>>> This is a really interesting idea that has been in our heads
>>> since the first implementation of the CEP library.
>>> A big +1 for moving forward with this.
>>> And as for the design document, I will definitely have a look
>>> and comment there.
>>> Kostas
>>> On Jun 7, 2017, at 10:05 AM, Jark Wu <> wrote:
>>> Sorry, I forgot to cc you guys @Fabian, @Timo, @Till, @Kostas
>>> 2017-06-07 15:42 GMT+08:00 Jark Wu <>:
>>>> Hi devs,
>>>> Dian and me and our teammates have investigated this for a long time.
>>>> We think consolidating Flink SQL and CEP is an exciting thing for Flink.
>>>> It'll make SQL more powerful and give users the ability to easily and
>>>> quickly build CEP applications.  And I find Flink community has also talked
>>>> about this idea before, such as the mailing list [1] and [2] and Fabian &
>>>> Till's talk in Flink Forward 2016 [3].
>>>> I think THIS IS THE POINT to bring up this topic again. Because we
>>>> already have pattern matching foundation in Flink CEP library, and Stream
>>>> SQL is ready now and Calcite has partially supported pattern matching
>>>> syntax!  We also drafted a design doc about how to integrate SQL and CEP,
>>>> and how to support CEP on Table API.
>>>> nt/d/1HaaO5eYI1VZjyhtVPZOi3jVzikU7iK15H0YbniTnN30/edit?usp=sharing
>>>> @Fabian, @Timo, @Till, @Kostas I include you into this discussion, it
>>>> would be great to hear your response.
>>>> What do others think?
>>>> [1] http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.c
>>>> om/Add-CEP-library-to-Flink-td9743.html#a9787
>>>> [2] http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.c
>>>> om/Effort-to-add-SQL-StreamSQL-to-Flink-td9727.html#a9790
>>>> [3]
>>>> cep-two-sides-of-the-same-coin
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jark Wu
>>>> 2017-06-07 13:50 GMT+08:00 Dian Fu <>:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> Flink's CEP library is a great library for complex event processing,
>>>>> more
>>>>> and more customers are expressing their interests in it. But it also
>>>>> has
>>>>> some limitations that users usually have to write a lot of code even
>>>>> for a
>>>>> very simple pattern match use case as it currently only supports the
>>>>> Java
>>>>> API.
>>>>> We have investigated some popular CEP products such as esper [1] and
>>>>> siddhi
>>>>> [2] and found that most of these CEP products support SQL-like
>>>>> expressions
>>>>> such as EPL to describe the match pattern. But these solutions also
>>>>> have
>>>>> the drawbacks that the pattern match languages are not standard SQL,
>>>>> the
>>>>> learn curve is steep for users and it's impossible to integrate them
>>>>> into
>>>>> the Flink Table API & SQL.
>>>>> We find that Oracle's CEP solution CQL [3] supports a new pattern
>>>>> recognition clause match_recognize which is a pattern recognition
>>>>> clause
>>>>> proposed in this paper [4]. It proposes a set of new syntaxes to define
>>>>> match pattern in sql expression. Calcite already supports part of this
>>>>> standard [5].  I think it will be of great value to support expressing
>>>>> pattern recognition clause with match_recognize clause by integrating
>>>>> it
>>>>> with Flink Table API & SQL and the Flink CEP library. Any thoughts?
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> reference/GUID-34D4968E-C55A-4BC7-B1CE-C84B202217BD.htm#CQLLR1531
>>>>> [4]
>>>>> tern-recogniton-11.pdf
>>>>> [5]
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Dian

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