Hi everyone,

I'd like to discuss a proposal to improve the tutorials / quickstart guides
of Flink's documentation.
I think the current tutorials have a few issues that should be fix in order
to help our (future) users getting started with Flink.

I propose to add a single "Tutorials" section to the documentation where
users find step-by-step guides. The tutorials section help users with
different goals:

  * Get a quick idea of the overall system
  * Implement a DataStream/DataSet/Table API/SQL job
  * Set up Flink on a local machine (or run a Docker container)

For some of these goals, we do not offer tutorials yet. Our existing
tutorials are mixed with instructions for how to setup an environment to
develop Flink itself ("IDE setup", "Building Flink from Source"), and
reference information that is required to implement applications
("Configuring Dependencies, Connectors, Libraries", Project Templates

As a first step, I would like to reorganize this content of the
"Quickstart", "Examples", and "Project Setup" sections of the documentation
depending on the goals of the users (getting started, reference lookup,
developing Flink). So, this would be mostly moving content around.

In a second step, I would improve existing tutorials (Implementing
DataStream applications, Local Setup) and add missing tutorials (Local
Docker setup, Implementing DataSet / Table API / SQL applications, etc.).

What do you think?

Cheers, Fabian

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