Dear community,

this is the weekly community update thread #42. Please post any news and
updates you want to share with the community to this thread.

# Discussion about Flink SQL integration with Hive

Xuefu started a discussion about how to integrate Flink SQL with the Hive
ecosystem [1]. If that's of your interest, then please join the discussion.

# Flink intro slide set

Fabian started to prepare a Flink intro slide set for the community [2]. If
you want to help with the preparation of the slide set, reach out to him.

# Discussion how to share state between tasks

Thomas started a discussion about how to share state/information between
multiple tasks of an operator [3]. That way it would be possible to control
the ingestion rate of sources depending how advanced they are wrt event
time, for example.

# Releasing Flink 1.5.5 and 1.6.2

Chesnay kicked off a discussion about releasing the next bug fix releases
for Flink 1.5 and 1.6 [4]. He is currently creating the RCs which will be
published on the ML for testing soon. Please help the community with
testing them.



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