Hi everyone,

some of you might have already read FLIP-32 [1] where we've described an approximate roadmap of how to handle the big Blink SQL contribution and how we can make the Table & SQL API equally important to the existing DataStream API.

As mentioned there (Advance the API and Unblock New Features, Item 1), the rework of the Table/SQL type system is a crucial step for unblocking future contributions. In particular, Flink's current type system has many shortcomings which make an integration with other systems (such as Hive), DDL statements, and a unified API for Java/Scala difficult. We propose a new type system that is closer to the SQL standard, integrates better with other SQL vendors, and solves most of the type-related issues we had in the past.

The design document for FLIP-37 can be found here:


I'm looking forward to your feedback.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-32%3A+Restructure+flink-table+for+future+contributions

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