Thanks for summarizing our offline discussion Dawid! Even though I would prefer solution 1 instead of releasing half-baked features, I also understand that the Table API should not further block the next release. Therefore, I would be fine with solution 3 but introduce the new user-facing `createTemporaryTable` methods as synonyms of the existing ones already. This allows us to deprecate the methods with undefined behavior as early as possible.


Am 22.07.19 um 16:13 schrieb Dawid Wysakowicz:
Hi all,

When working on FLINK-13279[1] we realized we could benefit from a
better temporary objects support in the Catalog API/Table API.
Unfortunately we are already long past the feature freeze that's why I
wanted to get some opinions from the community how should we proceed
with this topic. I tried to prepare a summary of the current state and 3
different suggested approaches that we could take. Please see the
attached document[2]

I will appreciate your thoughts!



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