Another perspective is that a stable, carefully-designed interface with
clear semantic
could be safer to customize.

Following the discussion in FLINK-10333 our JobGraphStore is actually
performing write operation only with leadership,  which is a basic
for coordination rather than an implementation detail.
Thus it depends on LeaderElectionService(in the design, we narrow the
specific interface
as LeaderStore). HighAvailabilityServices#getJobGraphStore() infers a
implicit field for
that which is hard to express the relationship between them.

If the interface is unstable(also we introduce a ClientHAService for
separate concern and
have to keep b/w comp. for customized), we'd better keep it internal for
freely evolution.
And when we try to support customized, it would be helpful to start a
proposal to revisit
the interface to be well-designed and stable. ref[2].

In short, current high-availability services as well as
runtime/coordination is still under
development and active evolution. It is possibly not a good time for make
it public and



Zili Chen <> 于2019年10月17日周四 下午8:13写道:

> A challenge is how we ensure the support for customized implementation.
> When
> we introduce JobGraphStore#releaseJobGraph we actually change quite a bit
> codepath
> in Dispatcher. While we are unable to test arbitrarily customized
> implementation our
> compatibility promise is actually no more than compilation compatible.
> Customer should still be required to be familiar with implementation
> details to figure
> out the fitment when they bump Flink version. This effort requires also
> and no extra
> when we support pluggable strategy. In another word, a customized support
> tends
> to hide the challenge when customer want to use their own implementation.

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