Hi Everyone!

We would like to start a discussion on "FLIP-126: Unify (and separate) Watermark Assigners" [1]. This work was started by Stephan in an experimental branch. I expanded on that work to provide a PoC for the changes proposed in this FLIP: [2].

Currently, we have two different flavours of Watermark Assigners: AssignerWithPunctuatedWatermarks and AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks. Both of them extend from TimestampAssigner. This means that sources that want to support watermark assignment/extraction in the source need to support two separate interfaces, we have two operator implementations for the different flavours. Also, this makes features such as generic support for idleness detection more complicated to implemented because we again have to support two types of watermark assigners.

In this FLIP we propose two things:

Unify the Watermark Assigners into one Interface WatermarkGenerator
Separate this new interface from the TimestampAssigner
The motivation for the first is to simplify future implementations and code duplication. The motivation for the second point is again code deduplication, most assigners currently have to extend from some base timestamp extractor or duplicate the extraction logic, or users have to override an abstract method of the watermark assigner to provide the timestamp extraction logic.

Additionally, we propose to add a generic wrapping WatermarkGenerator that provides idleness detection, i.e. it can mark a stream/partition as idle if no data arrives after a configured timeout.

The "unify and separate" part refers to the fact that we want to unify punctuated and periodic assigners but at the same time split the timestamp assigner from the watermark generator.

Please find more details in the FLIP [1]. Looking forward to
your feedback.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-126%3A+Unify+%28and+separate%29+Watermark+Assigners

[2] https://github.com/aljoscha/flink/tree/stephan-event-time

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