Hello everyone,

We recently decided to enforce compatibility for @PublicEvolving APIs for minor releases.

This requires modifications to the japicmp-maven-plugin execution on the corresponding release-X.Y branch after X.Y.Z was released.

In FLINK-17844 new tooling was added to take care of this (tools/releasing/updated_japicmp_configuration.sh), but it must be run manually by the release manager, after the release has concluded.

Note that this is also run automatically when an RC is created, as a final safeguard in case the manual step is missed.

I have amended the release guide accordingly:

     /Update japicmp configuration/

/Update the japicmp reference version and enable API compatibility checks for //|@PublicEvolving|//APIs on the corresponding SNAPSHOT branch./

/For a new major release (x.y.0), run the same command also on the master branch for updating the japicmp reference version./

/|tools $ NEW_VERSION=$RELEASE_VERSION releasing|//|/update_japicmp_configuration|//|.sh|/
/|tools $ |//|cd|////|..|/
/|$ git add *|/
/|$ git commit -m |//|"Update japicmp configuration for $RELEASE_VERSION"|/

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