Below is a project proposal from a technical writer (bcc'd) who wants to
work with your organization on a Season of Docs project. Please assess the
proposal and ensure that you have a mentor to work with the technical

If you want to accept the proposal, please submit the technical writing
project to the Season of Docs program administrators. The project selection
form is at this link: <>. The form
is also available in the guide for organization administrators

The deadline for project selections is July 31, 2020 at 20:00 UTC. For
other program deadlines, please see the full timeline
<> on the Season
of Docs website.

If you have any questions about the program, please email the Season of
Docs team at

The Google Season of Docs team

Title: Restructure the Table API & SQL Documentation Project length:
Standard length (3 months)
Writer information *Name:* haseeb1431
*Additional information:* I, Muhammad Haseeb Asif, is a dual degree master
students. I studied the first year at TU Berlin with a focus on cloud and
distributed systems. For the second year, I studied Data-Intensive
Computing at KTH. Currently, I am writing my master thesis on Apache Flink
state management API with Continuous Deep Analytics research group at RISE.
My master thesis is about exploring the possibilities to decouple the state
from the Flink compute node to reduce the reconfiguration time. Before
starting my masters, I have worked in the software industry for more than 8
years including leadership roles. Some of the roles, as Development
manager, required me to write and review a lot of technical documentation
and user manuals for projects. I would like to participate in the season of
docs since it’s related to my current work, area of interest, and future
career path as well. I have been actively working to become part of the
open-source, especially, Flink community. Having said that, I also started
our technical blog earlier this year where we post content about
distributed processing systems, majorly focusing on Flink. Furthermore, we
(along with a colleague) have submitted our talk as well for the Flink
Forward 2020.
Project Description I am submitting my application for the GSOD on “Extend
the Table API & SQL Documentation”. We will write API documentation such
that users can start writing queries as quickly as possible. Although, we
already might have the structure but we will go through it as novice users
and suggest ideas wherever required.

As I understood, the goal is to attract more people by making it easier for
them to find and the relevant information. Also, we want to make it easy
for users with SQL knowledge only as well as for developers. We will have
an overview page explaining the bigger picture of the API, basic usages,
quick start examples, all the possible features in a structural order. We
will have a detailed explanation with background and examples for each
section as we have been trying to do on our blog.
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