Hi Everyone,

my colleagues (in cc) and I would like to propose this FLIP for discussion. In short, we want to reduce the number of APIs that we have by deprecating the DataSet API. This is a big step for Flink, that's why I'm also cross-posting this to the User Mailing List.

FLIP-131: http://s.apache.org/FLIP-131

I'm posting the introduction of the FLIP below but please refer to the document linked above for the full details:

Flink provides three main SDKs/APIs for writing Dataflow Programs: Table API/SQL, the DataStream API, and the DataSet API. We believe that this is one API too many and propose to deprecate the DataSet API in favor of the Table API/SQL and the DataStream API. Of course, this is easier said than done, so in the following, we will outline why we think that having too many APIs is detrimental to the project and community. We will then describe how we can enhance the Table API/SQL and the DataStream API to subsume the DataSet API's functionality.

In this FLIP, we will not describe all the technical details of how the Table API/SQL and DataStream will be enhanced. The goal is to achieve consensus on the idea of deprecating the DataSet API. There will have to be follow-up FLIPs that describe the necessary changes for the APIs that we maintain.

Please let us know if you have any concerns or comments. Also, please keep discussion to this ML thread instead of commenting in the Wiki so that we can have a consistent view of the discussion.


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