Hi Devs,

@Users: I'm cc'ing the user ML to see if there are any users that are relying on this feature. Please comment here if that is the case.

I'd like to discuss the deprecation and eventual removal of UnionList Operator State, aka Operator State with Union Redistribution. If you don't know what I'm talking about you can take a look in the documentation: [1]. It's not documented thoroughly because it started out as mostly an internal feature.

The immediate main reason for removing this is also mentioned in the documentation: "Do not use this feature if your list may have high cardinality. Checkpoint metadata will store an offset to each list entry, which could lead to RPC framesize or out-of-memory errors." The insidious part of this limitation is that you will only notice that there is a problem when it is too late. Checkpointing will still work and a program can continue when the state size is too big. The system will only fail when trying to restore from a snapshot that has union state that is too big. This could be fixed by working around that issue but I think there are more long-term issues with this type of state.

I think we need to deprecate and remove API for state that is not tied to a key. Keyed state is easy to reason about, the system can re-partition state and also re-partition records and therefore scale the system in and out. Operator state, on the other hand is not tied to a key but an operator. This is a more "physical" concept, if you will, that potentially ties business logic closer to the underlying runtime execution model, which in turns means less degrees of freedom for the framework, that is Flink. This is future work, though, but we should start with deprecating union list state because it is the potentially most dangerous type of state.

We currently use this state type internally in at least the StreamingFileSink, FlinkKafkaConsumer, and FlinkKafkaProducer. However, we're in the process of hopefully getting rid of it there with our work on sources and sinks. Before we fully remove it, we should of course signal this to users by deprecating it.

What do you think?


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