Yes, I meant true general purpose exactly-once :)

> There are some ideas about using a WAL (write ahead log) and then
periodically "shipping" that to Kafka but nothing concrete.

But that would still need to be using Kafka transactions for "shipping"
records. That's what I meant that one way or another we need transactions :)


pt., 8 sty 2021 o 12:44 Aljoscha Krettek <> napisał(a):

> On 2021/01/08 10:00, Piotr Nowojski wrote:
> >Moreover I don't think there is a way to implement exactly once producer
> >without some use of transactions one way or another.
> There are some ways I can think of. If messages have consistent IDs, we
> could check whether a message is already in Kafka before writing it.
> That way, you could achieve exactly-once semantics with an
> "at-least-once" system.
> I'm not saying that it would be good, or high-performance, but I think
> there are ways. 😅
> Best,
> Aljoscha

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