Hi all,
we want to contribute a connector for InfluxDB v2.0. In the following, we
will briefly describe our planned architecture. We happily appreciate any
comments on our plans.
InfluxDB is a time-series database created by InfluxData. InfluxData offers
an open source, enterprise, and cloud version. The open source version can
be deployed on a single node, whereas the enterprise version supports
horizontal scaling. The connector focuses on the open source version of
InfluxDB. In particular, InfluxDB underwent significant architecture changes
from v1 to v2, and we'll focus on the current v2 only.
The following we propose a source and sink architecture using the new Flink
connector APIs.
The Flink InfluxDB source connector will implement an InfluxDB write
endpoint that accepts line protocol-formatted data points for an InfluxDB
instance, i.e., existing tools like Telegraf will be compatible with this
source connector out of the box. In conclusion, we replicate the InfluxDB
write endpoint in our source by providing an HTTP REST API with one
endpoint, i.e., `POST /api/v2/write`.
The Flink InfluxDB sink connector builds upon the principles of InfluxDB.
Although InfluxDB does not support any transactions, it does not store
duplicate data points. InfluxDB identifies unique data points by their
measurement, tag set, and timestamp. Hence, to guarantee an exactly-once
semantic, we can simply write to InfluxDB.
Finally, we are highly interested in specific use case ideas. Yet, we are
thinking of real-time IoT sensor analytics but please reach out to us if you
have any in your mind.
Best regards,Ramin Gharib, Felix Seidel, and Leon Papke

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