It would really simplify a lot if the modification timestamp of each newly 
scanned file is increased.

 We only need to record the file list corresponding to the largest timestamp.  
Timestamp of each scanned file
 1. It is smaller than the maximum timestamp, which means it has been processed;
 2. The timestamps are equal, so you need to see if it is in this file list, if 
it is, you don't need to process it, if it is not, you need to process it;
 3. It is larger than the maximum timestamp and has not been processed

 If the maximum timestamp is dynamically restored from the file list every time 
it is started, the state compatibility issue can be ignored.

BTW I haven't done any test, but I am actually a little curious, if a lot of 
files have been processed, is the scan itself already very slow?  I mean maybe 
the bottleneck at the beginning might be scan?

> 在 2021年6月8日,下午5:41,Till Rohrmann <> 写道:
> Hi Tianxin,
> thanks for starting this discussion. I am pulling in Arvid who works on
> Flink's connectors.
> I think the problem you are describing can happen.
> From what I understand you are proposing to keep track of the watermark of
> processed file input splits and then filter out splits based on their
> modification timestamps and the watermark. What is the benefit of keeping
> for every split the modification timestamp in the map? Could it also work
> if we sort the input splits according to their modification timestamps and
> then remember the last processed split? That way we only remember a single
> value and upon recovery, we only process those splits which have a newer
> modification timestamp.
> Cheers,
> Till
>> On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 12:11 AM Tianxin Zhao <> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Currently Flink File Source relies on a Set<Path> pathsAlreadyProcessed in
>> SplitEnumerator to decide which file has been processed and avoids
>> reprocessing files if a file is already in this set. However this set could
>> be ever growing and ultimately exceed memory size if there are new files
>> continuously added to the input path.
>> I submitted and would
>> like to be assigned to the ticket.
>> Current proposed change as belows, would like to get an agreement on the
>> approach taken.
>>   1.
>>   Maintain fileWatermark updated by new files modification time in
>>   ContinuousFileSplitEnumerator
>>   2.
>>   Change Set<Path> pathsAlreadyProcessed to a HashMap<Path, Long>
>>   pathsAlreadyProcessed where the key is same as before which is the file
>>   path of already processed files, and the value is file modification
>> time,
>>   expose getModificationTime() method to FileSourceSplit.
>>   1.
>>   Adding a fileExpireTime user configurable config, any files older
>> than fileWatermark
>>   - fileExpireTime would get ignored.
>>   2.
>>   When snapshotting splitEnumerator, remove files that are older than
>> fileWatermark
>>   - fileExpireTime from the pathsAlreadyProcessed map.
>>   3.
>>   Adding alreadyProcessedPaths map and fileWatermark to
>>   PendingSplitsCheckpoint, modify the current
>>   PendingSplitsCheckpointSerializer to add a version2 serializer that
>>   serialize the alreadyProcessedPaths map which included file modification
>>   time.
>>   4.
>>   Subclass of PendingSplitsCheckpoint like
>>   ContinuousHivePendingSplitsCheckpoint would not be impacted by
>>   initializing an empty alreadyProcessedMap and 0 as initial watermark.
>> Thanks!

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