
Today we had our first bi-weekly.
Here’s a short summary of what has been discussed.

Please watch the 1.14. Release page [1] to stay up to date.

* Feature freeze date *
As response to our last email the question was risen to push the feature freeze 
date back by a month, which would mean early September. Vanilla Flink Users who 
might be in favour of keeping it like it is, didn’t seem to participate in the 
discussion so the decision might be biased. We agreed to collect further 
feedback till the next bi-weekly and decide then.

* Build stability *
We started the release cycle with around 200 test stability issues [2]. For 
1.13. at this stage it was half of this.
We agreed to do a push within the next two weeks to reduce the amount of issues 
and generally carefully avoid introducing new instabilities.
We kindly ask every contributor and team working on some Flink components to go 
through them and try to close/get rid of as many as possible.

* Documentation & Release advertisement *
Let’s aim for making documentation and release advertisement through blogposts, 
meet-ups and presentations a part of the development process. So while working 
on a feature every contributor should already include the documentation and 
plan the advertisement of it.

* Feature list freeze *
We’d suggest to freeze the list of features that will go into 1.14. in the next 
bi-weekly, so please make sure your item shows up there.
The release managers will also structure the list a bit more in the next couple 
of days, when the first wave of edits is gone.

So what can you do to make 1.14. a successful release:
* Provide feedback on the feature freeze date.
* Get rid of instabilities and don’t introduce new ones.
* Document and advertise the stuff you do.
* Add your planned features to the feature list.

Thanks for all your effort,

Dawid, Xintong & Joe

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/1.14+Release 
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?filter=12343317 

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