Hi Srini,

Welcome to the Flink community :-) Great to hear what you are planning to
do with Flink at LinkedIn. I think sharing this is very motivational for
the community and also gives context for what you are focusing on. Looking
forward to working with you and improving Flink.


On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 8:36 PM Srinivasulu Punuru <srinipunur...@gmail.com>

> Hi Flink Devs,
> I am Srini, I work for stream processing team at LinkedIn. LinkedIn is
> taking a big bet on Apache Flink and migrating all the existing streaming
> SQL apps to Flink. You might have seen mails from some of our team members
> past few months. Thanks a lot for your support!
> I just wanted to Say Hi to everyone before I take up some of the starter
> Jiras and start contributing.
> Thanks Again! Looking forward to collaboration :)
> Here are some of the quick notes about our Flink scenarios.
>    1. We will be using Flink SQL just for stream processing applications.
>    2. Most of our current SQL apps are stateless, But stateful SQL
>    capabilities is one of the reasons we are migrating to Flink. SQL state
>    management is an area of interest.
>    3. We also have customers asking for batch and streaming convergence, So
>    SQL based batch <-> streaming convergence or engine portability of SQL
> apps
>    is an area of interest.
>    4. We are initially on prem. But LinkedIn as a whole is betting on
>    Cloud. So taking advantage some of the cloud capabilities like Storage
>    compute disaggregation, Elastic compute (for auto-scaling) for Flink
> would
>    be interesting.
>    5. We also provide a managed streaming SQL service i.e. We manage the
>    SQL jobs for our developers. So reliability, operability and quick
> recovery
>    is critical as well :).
> Thanks,
> Srini.

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